Time and attendance systems
Time and attendance basic functions
The basic functions of the primion software for time and attendance
prime WebTime offers more
The maintenance of staff data, the creation of credentials, the definition of calculation rules, rounding rules, day plans, week plans, period plans, year plans as well as break and shift-swap plans based on department, cost centre, definable groups or work groups; all working models that you can think of can be set up with prime WebTime.
Once the definitions have been laid down for the frameworks of these models, you can create your own reports and statistics, e.g. absence records.
prime WebTime also gives your staff the option to make online bookings or online corrections, if required using workflow procedures with managerial approval.
prime WebTime software for time and attendance (PDF)
Staff data maintenance
Names, personnel numbers and any client and control group assignments can be processed alongside credential management. Further personal data such as e-mail addresses are stored, department, cost centre or work group assignments are done and time recording parameters are defined.
Vacation data management is another standard element of the system. The annual overview gives a comprehensive overview of the absence and presence days in the year. The shift plan shows the pattern of day plans assigned, which define how worked time is recorded day by day. The management of vehicles and the assignment of working resources to staff are also standard functions.
Transaction processing
Within the framework defined by working periods, transactions are the basis for system calculations. At any time, you can print out stored transactions for review. Each time a transaction or event is generated, the time and attendance system checks against previously stored data and updates the relevant data records.
Permanent update and control
Permanent control of the booking rhythm. Only logical booking sequences (arrive/depart/arrive/...) are possible. Continuous update of the time and record values in the person master record based on rounding and allocation rules.
Many reports are available as standard within the prime WebTime time and attendance software. Record and absence statistics, exceptions such as coretime infringements, forgotten bookings, etc., bookings journals, transaction, record and worked time evaluations over definable time periods, capacity overviews to aid with staff deployment planning, annual overviews, device and system information.
Booking journals
Give clear details of all the bookings made by individuals or groups of persons over a defined period of time, including correction options.
Vacation data
This module shows you at a glance all vacation information for an employee, broken down over three categories, showing what has already been taken, what is planned and what the balance is. Vacation allowances can also be calculated based on definable criteria.
Capacity overviews
Use this tool to make your project planning safer. You can check availability by person or by group.
Time plans
With flexible or irregular worktime patterns, prime WebTime helps you establish and administer variable time definitions. Working plans are no longer tied to traditional week or month-based patterns. Eight day rotations are possible, for example.
Rule definition for time calculation
This enables you, for instance, to handle all rules covering contractual pay agreements or company internal rules concerning overtime or other data relevant to time recording, in the simplest way.
Universal Import and Export generator with LDAP interface
Transfer data conveniently, flexibly and in many different formats from any system or to any system of your choice, including the option of using an LDAP interface. The further processing of the exported or imported data can then be done quickly and with the minimum of effort.
Report generator
How often access was made through a particular door, who accessed through this door during a particular period or which persons are authorised to book at which readers? With the report generator, you have a free hand in designing both the content and the layout of your reports. You have access to all the information stored in the system and can create individual outputs.
Centralised password management on LDAP basis
Convenient access to prime WebSystems without having to remember yet another password. When passwords are managed centrally on an LDAP basis, password entries are checked by the server. The LDAP protocol is a TCP/IP-based directory access protocol which has become established as the standard Internet and Intranet solution for accessing network directory services for databases, e-mails, memories and other resources.