Access control
Mechatronic access control
prime key technology (pkt)
The concept
While normal office doors are equipped with mechanical cylinders, sensitive areas, even at different locations, are fitted with mechatronic offline components, such as Comfort door terminals, Security door terminals or digital cylinders. pkt components require no additional equipment or cabling. Online (Master) readers are located at main access points. All components, including the Master readers and all pkt components, are configured and administered through prime WebAccess. An unlimited number of users receive updated access rights simply and quickly through an online reader and carry them with them on their personal credential, e.g. chip or card, to the individual access points.
How it works
Each person's current access authorisations are written on to their credential at one or more online (Master) readers. When the credential is presented to an offline component, the validity of the access rights on the credential is checked and the door is released or not accordingly. At the same time, the offline component writes status messages back on to the credential.
For reasons of security and economy, the authorisation logic is not stored in the mechatronic offline components, but on the credential. Irrespective of the type of access points, the everyday work of generating new user records, modifying access authorisations, handling forgotten or lost credentials or the issuing of visitor passes is handled in one work process.
From an economic perspective, it does not always make sense to network all components using an online system. With the pkt Master function, you get the economic solution for security in your organisation.
Construction and function of the system
A pkt system is an offline system. It consists of at least one host with the prime WebAccess software including pkt Master function, at least one IDT 32, the pkt Master readers and various offline components. Master readers are installed at main external access points to the area that is to be secured, that are activated with the pkt Master function through the software. Offline components are installed at access points within the secured area. The pre-requirement is that before making a booking at the first offline component, the user must first have got the authorisations for the offline components, by making a booking at at least one assigned Master reader (from the same offline area).
All access authorisations are set up centrally in the prime WebSystems software and transferred to the connected IDT 32 controllers. The IDT 32s, therefore, administer the access parameters. Up to 4 Master readers can be connected to each IDT 32 controller through an RS485 interface. These Master readers are online and are supplied with access data by the IDT 32s. Each Master reader can have up to 2,048 offline components assigned to it, which themselves have no network connection and are battery-powered.
Offline components can be assigned to up to three offline areas. Offline areas can also overlap. Because no data is held in the offline components, no work is necessary at these components to update access data. All modifications can be carried out at the host. The next time the credential is presented to the Master reader, the access profile on it is automatically updated. Each offline components writes the last 160 bookings into a transaction memory. If required, e.g. in the case of a theft from a secured area, these transactions can be read out from the offline component and then transferred through a Master reader to the prime WebSystems database.
Within prime WebAccess, you then have the opportunity to generate an offline transaction report according to specified criteria, which can then be shown on screen, printed and / or saved to file.